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When a person passes away without having written a Will in his/her life time, then the next of kin will need to apply to the Court for a Court Order called Letter of Administration to authorise the next of kin to collect the person’s assets and distribute the assets according to the intestacy law in Singapore.
If the person has done a Will, then his/her Will will state who is the executor, the one appointed to distribute the Deceased’s assets. In such a case, the executor will have to apply to the Court for a Court Order called Grant of Probate to authorise the next of kin to collect the person’s assets and distribute the assets as set out in the Will.
In both cases, the Applicant will need to submit the Deceased’s death certificate, next of kin’s NRIC and an inventory list of Deceased’s assets to us to draft the court application papers for either the Letter of Administration or Grant of Probate.
If the person has done a Will, then his/her Will will state who is the executor, the one appointed to distribute the Deceased’s assets. In such a case, the executor will have to apply to the Court for a Court Order called Grant of Probate to authorise the next of kin to collect the person’s assets and distribute the assets as set out in the Will. statement to the Court that they did witnesses the deceased signed the will.
You need to submit the original Will through your lawyer to the Singapore Probate Registry for verification when applying for the Grant of Probate. The Will must be signed by the deceased person in the presence of 2 witnesses. If the will is prepared by law firm, then the 2 witnesses will usually be coming from the law firm. However, there are cases where I do come across the deceased had signed the will in the presence of 2 friends or next-of-kin, then make sure that you can contact these 2 witnesses to provide a statement to the Court that they did witnesses the deceased signed the will.
For further enquiries,
Call 6222 1004 Now or Click here to get FREE Consultation with our Lawyer, Raymond Lim.
In both cases, the Applicant will need to submit the Deceased’s death certificate, next of kin’s NRIC and an inventory list of Deceased’s assets to us to draft the court application papers for either the Letter of Administration or Grant of Probate.
For further enquiries,
Call 6222 1004 Now or Click here to get FREE Consultation with our Lawyer, Raymond Lim.
At Raymond Lim & Co, our fees for applying for the Grant of Probate and Grant of Letter of Administration are fixed fees in the range from $1,200 to $2,500 which will include all our legal fees, filing and court fees and involves the following work :
- Preparing the court application papers
- Court attendances
- Making application to court for dispensation of guarantors in cases where the case involves a minor beneficiary of less than 21 years old or mentally incapacitated beneficiary and the Court require the administrators to provide 2 guarantors to sign the Admin Bond-an undertaking to protect the minor or mentally incapacitated beneficiary share.
- Preparing Affidavit statement to affirm that Administrator are not able to find the death certificates of deceased’s father or mother usually required for applying for Muslim Grant of Letter of Administration.
- Obtaining the Court sealed copies of both the Grant of Letter of Administration or Grant of Probate with Schedule of Asset/Will Annexed.
For further enquiries,
Call 6222 1004 Now or Click here to get FREE Consultation with our Lawyer, Raymond Lim.
For cases where the Administrator can confirm and identify the deceased’s assets, then the duration of the application can be in the range from 2 1/2 months to 3 months.
For cases where the deceased’s assets are not identifiable and require lawyers to write to institutions to obtain more details to identify the value and description of the assets, then the duration of the application can be in the range from 4 to 9 months depending on the correspondence of the institutions with the law firm to confirm the details of the assets and applying to the court to dispense with the need of the Administrators to provide the 2 guarantors.
For further enquiries,
Call 6222 1004 Now or Click here to get FREE Consultation with our Lawyer, Raymond Lim.