When a person passes away without having written a Will in his/her life time, then the next of kin will need to apply to the Court for a Court Order called Letter of Administration to authorise the next of kin to collect the person’s assets and distribute the assets according to the intestacy law in Singapore.
If the person has done a Will, then his/her Will will state who is the executor, the one appointed to distribute the Deceased’s assets. In such a case, the executor will have to apply to the Court for a Court Order called Grant of Probate to authorise the next of kin to collect the person’s assets and distribute the assets as set out in the Will.
In both cases, the Applicant will need to submit the Deceased’s death certificate, next of kin’s NRIC and an inventory list of Deceased’s assets to us to draft the court application papers for either the Letter of Administration or Grant of Probate.