What is the purpose for Letter of Administration?


What is the purpose for Letter of Administration?

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If you have a next-of-kin who suddenly passed away and the bank or insurance companies will only release this next of kin’s monies in the bank account or insurance proceeds upon production of a court order called either GRANT OF PROBATE OR GRANT OF LETTER OF ADMINISTRATION, then you are looking into the need to apply to the Court to issue these two court orders.

Or imagine a scenario where your next-of-kin or loved one is the sole owner of the HDB flat and HDB require you being the next of kin of the deceased to produce the GRANT OF PROBATE or GRANT OF LETTER OF ADMINISTRATION in order for you to either sell the flat to prospective purchaser or to do a transfer of the flat ownership to either the next-of-kin or the person that your demise next-of-kin want to give to.

If a deceased person have done a Will – a document providing for the appointment of a person called the Executor to collect and distribute his or her assets to the loved ones that this deceased person wishes to give to, then the Executor should engage a lawyer to apply to the Singapore Family Justice Courts to issue a Court Order called Grant of Probate.

If a deceased person have not done a Will which means he or she did not provide in writing as to who should receive his or her assets, then the next-of-kin of the deceased called the Administrator should engage a lawyer to apply to the Singapore Family Justice Courts to issue a Court Order called Grant of Letter of Administration.

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